My Engineering Experience

Written by Cameron J Leverett

Conquering Doubt

If you’re reading this I’m guessing like me you are new to programming, let me ask you a question. How often do you find yourself going through lessons like butter until you hit a wall, and I mean a skyscraper-sized wall that hits you right in the nose, probably a fair amount, otherwise this is not the blog for you. If you’re still reading this, I bet you have the same problem but, how do we get over the wall or “conquer” it.

Why I Chose to Study Software Engineering

It is a curious question, one that invokes plenty of critical thought though it was such a simple decision. Imagine this if you will; young-man, late-night, falling further down the rabbit hole we call the internet. So much time wasted doing nothing but, It only took seconds for my browser to load a website that would completely change the direction of my life.

Before we begin, I need to add a bit of back story for context. Don’t get me wrong I love computers, I built my own after all and, I have been known to go red-eyed trying to solve the simplest hardware issue with my computer but, I never thought myself to be a tech-person. I never thought I belonged to the community. Anyway, before I found “Flat Iron” I was an English major and, not a very good one at that, something about the late-night workshops snobbishly tearing apart other people’s writing left me unmotivated. I did love writing I just always thought it lacked community and real collaboration. There was a common theme that always focused on the past and never what was happening now.