Conquering Doubt

Posted by Cameron J. Leverett on March 15, 2020

If you’re reading this I’m guessing like me you are new to programming, let me ask you a question. How often do you find yourself going through lessons like butter until you hit a wall, and I mean a skyscraper-sized wall that hits you right in the nose, probably a fair amount, otherwise this is not the blog for you. If you’re still reading this, I bet you have the same problem but, how do we get over the wall or “conquer” it.

  I’m sure for everyone it is different, I, however, find myself just frozen with confusion and, then comes the doubt, the kind of doubt that makes me think “am I just out of my league or what”? When it comes down to it, we all have a moment of concept, that “eureka” moment where you feel like you’ve just invented science or discovered the theory of relativity. Though not all of us get that at the same time, for some they get it immediately for others, and I hate to put anyone down, that moment may never come and, that’s okay.  The moon, stars, and planets don’t need to line up for everyone, and everyone has a different pace and structure of thinking and learning. For me I learn slow, I rarely get that “ah-ha” moment and I always feel like something is left unexplained even when people tell me that I understand it I still feel like there is a void in need of matter. We are individuals, and we look, talk, speak and even learn differently.

For everyone who may feel like they too have “hit a wall” I ask you to remember this quote “slow to learn, slow to forget” – Lincoln. What this means is that we all learn differently from each other and just like Newton’s Third Law “For every action, there is an equal and opposite reaction.” Just because someone might get something quicker doesn’t mean they are better than you or me. It just simply means we all learn differently and everyone has something to offer.