It doesn’t seem obvious at the time but, it was quite simple to set up authentication, or at least the basics of it. As most Know, as your application grows it will become increasingly more difficult to balance authentication for that I would recommend a third party authentication or even a backend api like firebase or auth0, but for now if your just building a small application, which I wouldn’t realize it at the time but I was, so, lets get started.
FIRST THINGS FIRST, I will assume that if you’ve made it far enough to be looking up authentication your quite familiar with generators. Run the generators for both react and Rails then will want to install,
gem install bcrypt
gem install rack-cors
and whatever else gems you may need for your project
on the react side your going to want to delete all the garage files that may come with the npx generator, now you should have an index.js that looks like this
import React from ‘react’;
import ReactDOM from ‘react-dom’;
import App from ‘./App’;
inside your index.js file in your REDUX DIR, is where all the magic happens. we’ll set up our store and as well some middleware and thunk. Yep where using THUNK !!
of course you’ll need to install
react-redux and thunk
This is how I set up mine
import { createStore, combineReducers, compose, applyMiddleware } from ‘redux’
import thunk from ‘redux-thunk’
const rootReducer = combineReducers({
*leave empty for now*
const middleware = [thunk, reduxLogger]
const composeEnhancers = window.REDUX_DEVTOOLS_EXTENSION_COMPOSE || compose;
const store = createStore(
export default store
notice I export the default as store that will com in handy in our index.js file at the top level.
but first we need to set up a reducer
const authReducer = (
state = {
loggedIn : false,
currentUser : {},
) => {
switch (action.type) {
return {
loggedIn : action.payload.loggedIn,
currentUser : action.payload.currentUser,
case ‘LOGOUT’:
return {
loggedIn : false,
currentUser : {},
return state;
} }; export default authReducer; next will want to set our action creator with thunk it looks a little like this export const signup = (user) => {
return (dispatch) => {
fetch(`${apiUrl}/users`, { // will set this up in the future
method : 'POST',
headers : {'Content-Type': 'application/json'},
credentials : 'include',
body : JSON.stringify({user: user}),
.then((res) => res.json())
(data) =>
type : 'AUTH_SUCCESS',
payload : {loggedIn: data.logged_in, currentUser: data.user},
}; }; now lets set up our store shall we, import React from 'react'; import ReactDOM from 'react-dom'; import App from './App';
import { Provider } from ‘react-redux’;
import store from ‘./Redux’
<Provider store={store}>
It is not amongst the most popular of opinions to think of code as being realistic, what does that even mean, and what would its purpose even be? I wouldn’t consider myself to be clever or the sherlock holms type, I don’t seek to fill unanswered questions, at least not usually. Though In the last project I was working on, “JS and Rails API”, I did so often chase what seemed too pointless questions, ones that, beyond my immediate desire, were far from relative to the task at hand. Though I found one thing particularly interesting, and for me at least, thought-provoking. I wondered if simulating code to behave like the natural world, is useful or just plain dumb. Now, for some, it may seem like an utterly stupid Idea, or relatively naïve, and it may be. But, I digress.
Unfortunately, I spent pretty much the first week trying to set up my omniauth, I know how sad that sounds, as frustrating as it was, it leads me to devise. Now if your anything like me and any you need something a little more visual to help you out, follow this link it will take you to the walkthrough, that delivered me from this nightmare.
Creating a web application is no easy task, I mean not for your average beginner, and If you are like me you might have a hard time trying to figure out where to begin. So where do we begin or better yet where did I begin?
For my project, I did a “Rick and Morty” CLI and it was fun it really was but, it was not one of my most simple accomplishments. I had built this project up in my mind, thinking I was literally going to be doing rocket science but, to my surprises I quite actually enjoyed it. Though it was fun I wouldn’t put my project in the category of perfect. To me this is all been a learning experience, go figure right. What I really mean to say is that is has been the most rewarding of what I’ve done so far. When I first looked at my blank text editor I was lost and it felt that way for a couple of days, I knew what I wanted to do but it was the how. The how is what this is all about. I’ve been writing code for about 3 months now and, it wasn’t until this project that I felt like I really had a handle on all the concepts. Of course, I do have a theory for all of this and, as obvious as it sounds, its because you have to really engage. Engaging in your work is rare and, it is one of the reasons why Time passes so fast when your coding. First of all, when I’m reading, watching videos or copying code through a code along 80% of the time I’m uncontrollably daydreaming. This is because I don’t learn unless I’m challenged with a task and, for me at least, the is super charged by the fact the I have creative control. Anyway it was a great project and I had fun, here is to passing my review